We believe high Mandarin proficiency is possible for every child and adult, and that it can be achieved through having fun, gaining confidence and nurturing passion.
Our Mission
Our mission is to facilitate young Australian children learn Mandarin with the most fun and effectiveness. We are dedicated to combining Mandarin teaching with early childhood education theories. Our teachers are not just ordinary Mandarin speakers, but are professional language teachers purposefully trained to work with children. We nurture the best Mandarin language skills in our children, as well as love, bond and passion.
“I like to go to Mandarin because it’s fun!”
our teaching philosophy
Our Mandarin teaching philosophy is based on second language learning studies and research and is coherent with the Australian early years guidelines.
our teachers
Our teachers are not just ordinary Mandarin speakers. Each teacher is purposefully trained to teach Mandarin as a language and know how to effectively work with young children.
For more details, please see Mandarin Teachers Q&A.